A specially prepared book of time- honoured Greek traditions, culture and recipes, lovingly assembled for...
A delectable curation of Authentic Greek recipes brought to life by beautiful images that capture...
Discover simple, fresh, and flavoursome recipes for everything from the traditional ‘Kakavia’ Fisherman’s soup, precious...
This luxe guide makes it easy to create dazzling tablescapes inspired by nature's beauty, whether...
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A celebration of the food and flavors from the regions near the Southern and Eastern...
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A dreamy book of delicious, nutritious and inventive plant-based savoury and sweet recipes set at...
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Ruth's parents immigrated to Australia from Greece seeking a better life. A Greek at heart,...
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Simply More Greek is the third book on Greek Cookery written and photographed by international...
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Beyond the Greek Salad is a beautiful cookbook offering over 90 Greek recipes - half...